Everyone likes a great body scrub, right? They exfoliate, moisturize, and leave you feeling fresh and ready to take on the world. Coffee body scrubs are one of the most natural options, but they come packaged in plastic and can cost you much more than any body scrub should.
So why not ditch plastic, ditch harmful chemicals, ditch unnecessary spending? This post will teach you how to make an at-home body scrub in less than 10 minutes!

What you'll need:
1. Ground Coffee (exfoliant)
2. Organic Coconut Oil (moisturizer)
3. Brown Sugar (exfoliant)
4. A 4 oz. mason jar

How to get it plastic free:
1. Buy your coffee beans in bulk or in paper
2. Buy your coconut oil in bulk or in glass
3. Buy your brown sugar in bulk

The Recipe
Once you've purchased all the ingredients, you
can put everything together in just a few
minutes. For a 4 oz. mason jar, use this recipe:
1. 8 tablespoons of ground coffee
2. 6 table spoons of coconut oil
3. 4 tablespoons of brown sugar
In order to make this a zero waste scrub, or really transition to a life without plastic in general, you must know how to buy things in bulk. Bulk buying prevents plastic pollution while savings YOU money. It doesn't have any packaging costs factored into it.
Buying in bulk means:
Bringing your own container/jar to a nearby grocer that has a bulk section (Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Sprouts, Down to Earth, etc.)
Taring it at the checkout counter (recording its weight)
Filling each with your coffee, sugar, and coconut
Recording your PLU# number (this tells the employee what's in the jar)
Checking out! It's easy.
Learn more here!
